The Moderna Museet is located in-between the two main studio buildings of the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Getting from the main building (in which administration
offices, workshops, and the cafeteria are located) to the
studio, a short-cut leads through the museum.
This passing between the different locations of art production and consumption, a passing-through, made us thinking about doing a temporary exhibition in the elevator of Moderna Museet. A customized return container for artworks built by Layla Nabi, functioned as the in-between exhibition space which we loaded with our artworks.
Sophie’s artwork consisted of soil, neatly cut into rectangles. The soil was found in the trash area of the main building. A steel trolley from the cafeteria transferred it through the
museum to the studio and into the exhibition space. Hidden under the dirt are built-in speakers with a loop of Connie Converse‘s »I Have Considered the Lillies«. Layla turned the container into a habitat for bacteria sculptures produced out of plaster from the workshops.
The security officer reminded us that the elevator to the museum is not a playground.

I Have Considered the Lillies, 2019
plywood container by Layla Nabi, styrofoam, soil, steel trolley, sound
music by Connie Converse